Skills: PHP 5, Laravel, Lumen, Yii, Zend, Composer, Gulp, NodeJS, Git, SVN, Apache, nginx, MySQL / MariaDB, Debian, Mac, SilverStripe, Drupal, Wordpress, HTML5, Sass, CSS, Javascript, Photoshop
09 816 8560 / 027 809 3532
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I built an app to handle customer address updates. The app and the platform was highly scalable as it was subject to massive spikes.
Included an address finder API integration, reporting, and export tools.
Used: Lumen, MariaDB / MySQL, gulp, Sass, HTML, Javascript, nginx, NZPost API
Worked extensively on, including back-end CMS features, API integrations, templates, etc.
Used: SilverStripe, PostGRES / MySQL, Compass, HTML, Sass, Javascript, AWS →
Took a static front-end site and built it as a completely CMS-editable template system in Laravel.
Also features an e-commerce store with payments processed by DPS.
The back-end features a draggable CMS with inline editing of html elements.
Used: Laravel, MySQL, gulp, Sass, HTML, Javascript, JSON, Sortable, nginx, Payment Express →
Slot machine / creative prompt and entry system for an inter-agency competition. I built the a word list generator API, agency key validation, and entry submission and approval.
Used: Laravel, MySQL, gulp, Sass, HTML, Javascript, JSON →
Content Moderation tool built in Laravel for (campaign finished).
Used: Laravel, MySQL, gulp, Sass, HTML, Javascript
Rebuilt static version of Mini's mobile site in Laravel
Used: Laravel, MySQL, gulp, Sass, HTML, Javascript →
Site for consumer marketing agency. Built the back-end CMS in Laravel with a bootstrap theme.
Used: Laravel, MySQL, gulp, Sass, HTML, Javascript →